Si Chen
Human-Computer Interaction, Education Technology, Accessible Computing
Si Chen is a fifth-year Ph.D. student at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), School of Information Sciences, fortunately advised by Prof. Yun Huang. She also works with Prof. Lawrence Angrave, Prof. JooYoung Seo, Prof. Kyungwon Koh from UIUC, and Prof. Raja Kushalnagar from Gallaudet University. She earned her B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering with a focus on Design from Tsinghua University in 2019. 
As a mixed-method human-computer interaction and social computing researcher, she designs, implements, and evaluates human-AI interaction for learning, teaching, and communication. 
Her research studies AI ethics, AI literacy, and increases the inclusion of AI, drawing on the learning sciences, design research, and cognitive science. She actively designs for and with diverse user groups, including the d/Deaf, hard of hearing, blind, and low-vision users. She also works on projects enhancing the inclusivity of online platforms for vulnerable populations, such as Lyft and TikTok.
News: 2024.3 
Three accepted full papers at CHI 2024!
See you in Hawaii.
Two papers at ICLS 2024!
See you in Buffalo.